Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mark Zuckerberg's new challenge: Eating only what he kills (and yes, we do mean literally...) - Postcards

Mark Zuckerberg's new challenge: Eating only what he kills (and yes, we do mean literally...) - Postcards

Click on the link above to read about the founder of Facebook and his newest challenge: slaughtering the animals himself that provide meat for him to eat.  He had posted this new challenge on his private Facebook page, and soon word got out.  He explained that each year he learns something new and this year it was about learning where his food came from and appreciating it more.  He learned about sustainable agriculture, became more aware of the food he ate and decided in the course of it all that he should participate as well.  Most of his meals are now vegetarian and if he does eat meat, he slaughters it himself.  I am not clear if he just kills it and has someone else "dress" it (pluck, skin, clean, etc which is really the harder and messier part) or does it all, but in any case it is a huge step for someone to take.  I agree with the concept and know that it makes you appreciate food more.  In the old days when families were more spiritual and religious, each meal began with thanks for the food we eat.  It really meant something, especially to generations who remember food shortages, grew their own food, or came from farms. 

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